How to update your installation with the Full Package
- Backup all board files and the database.
- Go to the downloads page and download the latest “Full Package” archive.
- Unpack the archive.
- Delete/remove the config.php file, and the /images, /store and /files folders from the unpacked package on your local drive (PC).
- Go to the ACP, Board settings, and make sure prosilver is set as the default style. If not, set it to prosilver.
- Delete the /vendor and /cache folders from the board’s root folder on your host.
- Via FTP or SSH upload the remaining files and folders (that is, the remaining CONTENTS of the phpBB3 folder) to the root folder of your board installation on the server, overwriting the existing files. (Note: take care not to delete any extensions in your /ext folder when uploading the new phpBB3 contents.)
- Now start the update process by pointing your browser to the install folder. For example,
- Follow the steps to update the database and let that run to completion.
- Via FTP or SSH delete the /install folder from the root of your board installation.
You now have a new up to date board containing all your users and posts. Follow up tasks:
- Update your language pack
- Update your style
How to update your installation with the Advanced Update Package
The steps for updating phpBB3 using the advanced update package are:
- Go to the downloads page and download the “Advanced Update Package” archive.
- Unpack the archive.
- Upload the complete uncompressed “install” and “vendor” folders to your phpBB root directory (where your config.php file is).
Once uploaded your board will be offline for normal users due to the install directory you uploaded now being present.
Now start the update process by pointing your browser to the install folder. For example,
You will then be guided through the update process. You will be notified once the update is complete.