Registration Page : Create a Baidu Account
Fill up the form and get your account in Baidu!
Steps for Setting up Paypal thank you page:
Step 1: Log into your PayPal account.
Step 2: Go to My Account -> Profile
Step 3: Click on the selling tools link.
Step 4: Check the selling online section
Step 5: Look for “Website Preferences” and click the “Update” link on the far right hand corner of this row. See the following screenshot for reference
Step 6: You should now be on the “Website Preferences” menu. (Direct link
a) Turn on the “Auto Return” for Website Payments
b) Enter a URL in the Return URL field (your thank you page URL)
c) Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save button
Note that PayPal does not do auto return if the customer doesn’t pay using their PayPal account.
Customer pays via paypal account -> Gets automatically redirected to your thank you page.S
Essential grid can be make mobile compatible under grid settings as follows
Grid Settings > Column > Mobile:
You may set this to one. Then Maximum Row might be 3.
“Source” tab in Ess. Grid settings has “Type and Category” section. In “Type and Category” there is an option to input additional parameters. Here we can control the view the grid for example post per page, total posts count, serial posts by ID etc.
* Track external/affiliate link clicks snippet
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'hitCallback': loadPage
// redirect after one second if recording takes too long
setTimeout(loadPage, 1000);
// redirect to outbound page
function loadPage() {
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// Close anon function.
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