Download Neuron template [link]
Neuron Theme Demo [link]
Here we will show step by step WordPress theme development with Neuron Template.
Initial Setup
- Create a folder named “neuron” in wp-content/themes/
- Paste neuron template into neuron folder.
- Rename index.html to index.php
- Create file named functions.php and open it.
- Call all css files in functions.php [neuron_theme_files]
- Call all js files in functions.php [neuron_theme_files]
- Open index.php and connect images statically using “echo get_template_directory_uri();” [image directory]
- Delete title tag and some meta (description, keywords, author) in index.php
- Add <?php wp_head(); ?> before </head> tag and <?php wp_footer(); ?> before </body> tag.
- Open style.css and name the theme [style.css]
Now we can activate the theme (Neuron) in dashboard at Appearance > themes
- Open the website in browser and check css, js and images are properly connected.
- Inspect and check Console for error. Fix –
Neuron Menu
- Add theme supports for menu and others in functions.php [neuron_theme_supports]
- Create pages and sub-pages (about us, services, works, press & news, contact etc) from dashboard pages > Add New. All pages should be blank now.
- Create new menu from Appearance > Menu and save it in “Primary” location.
- Add pages to the menu and save it.
- Call the Primary menu in index.php replacing the menu ul of template [wp_nav_menu]
- Design dropdown menu in style.css [WordPress Sub-Menu css]
Neuron Slider
- Register custom post for the slider in functions.php [register_post_type]
- Refresh dashboard to get a new menu called “Sliders”
- Add new slide post
- Title: “Prepare for the future with our advisors”
- Content: “Interactively simplify 24/7 markets through 24/7 best practices. Authoritatively foster cutting-edge manufactured products and distinctive.”
- Custom Fields (meta key for button text):
- Name: btn_text
- Value: Meet Experts
- Custom Fields (meta key for button link):
- Name: btn_link
- Value:
- Featured Image: image for the slider
- Publish the post (slide) and add another post (slide)
- Now we will query “custom post loop” in index.php
- Delete everything within <section class=”slider-area”>
- Paste php codes from [wp_reset_query] inside the slider-area section.
- Refresh homepage to see the result
Neuron Intro Area Features (Welcome to the Neuron Finance)
- Register custom post for the features in functions.php [register_post_type]
- Refresh dashboard to get a new menu called “Features”
- Add new feature post
- Title: “About Business”
- Content: “Seamlessly envisioneer extensive interfaces and back wardcompatible applications. Proactively promote timely best.”
- Order: 1
- Featured Image: image for the feature (intro)
- Publish the post (feature) and add another post (Business Growth, Sustainability)
- Now we will query “custom post loop” in index.php
- Delete everything with the comment <!– single intro –>
- Paste php codes from [wp_reset_query for intro] into the deleted area.
- Refresh homepage to see the result
Neuron Services (We Provide Huge Range of Services)
- Register custom post for the services in functions.php [register_post_type]
- Refresh dashboard to get a new menu called “Services”
- Add new service post
- Title: “Performance”
- Content: “Dynamically fabricate innovative products and distributed web services. Distinctively pontificate.”
- Custom Fields (meta key for service link):
- Name: service_link
- Value:
- Order: 1
- Featured Image: image for the service.
- Publish the post (service) and add another post (Sustainability, Web Design, Web Development, Branding Design, Marketing )
- Now we will query “custom post loop” in index.php
- Delete everything with the comment <!– single service –>
- Paste php codes from [wp_reset_query for Service] into the deleted area.
- Refresh homepage to see the result
- Give service image a fixed width to avoid layout break [.services-tiem img {max-width: 62px;}]
Neuron Widgets
- Register widgets in functions.php [register_sidebar]
- Create new menu from Appearance > Menu for Useful Links widget
- Register shortcode for Latest Posts widget in functions.php [add_shortcode]
- Install and activate the plugin Contact Form 7 for Newsletter Subscription
- Create contact form []