- vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Permission Denied
- sudo /etc/ssh/sshd_config: command not found
use sudo as the text file is indeed not executable.
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
use sudo as the text file is indeed not executable.
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Run following commands:
./build apache
./build php
./build rewrite_confs
Step one:
Download your desired languages zip from
The Languages
Step two:
Unzip the downloaded zip and upload the language file to language folder of your Blesta root.
Step three:
Log into Blesta and navigate to [Settings] -> [General] -> [Internationalization] and click Install to install the language.
Step four:
Then navigate to [Settings] -> [General] -> [Localization] and select Default Language from drop-down.
Step five:
Save this change.
Step One:
Enable legacy in the Blesta config file:
Configure::set("Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords", false);
set it as true.
Step Two:
Then open to blesta database. Go to “user” table and click on “edit” of the user.
Step Three:
Set the Password field as function MD5, and put your desired password.
Step Four:
All done! Now login with username and new password.
CSF with Brute Force Monitor (BFM) will provide extra benefit of BFM to find some extra cases which triggers the blocks using CSF.
It will use the iptables configuration, and all features of CSF, plus the added benefit of the BFM
wget /bin/sh ./