jQuery Add and Remove CSS Classes
switch (window.location.pathname) { case '/index.php/IJMA/article/view/371': $('.authors').addClass('supplement'); $('.abstract').removeClass('asupplement'); break; }
by dev
jQuery Add and Remove CSS Classes
switch (window.location.pathname) { case '/index.php/IJMA/article/view/371': $('.authors').addClass('supplement'); $('.abstract').removeClass('asupplement'); break; }
by dev
*** An error has occurred while trying to update the license file ***
Two possible causes
/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/letsencrypt.sh request_single your.hostname.com 4096
That’s it.
You can also redirect non-SSL request to a specific URL. Just do it.
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin set ssl_redirect_host your.hostname.com
service directadmin restart
by dev
To enable exec() function, you have to modify php settings using a php.ini file.
disable_functions = "show_source,system, shell_exec,exec"
That’s it!
When a PHP script is hacked, the hacker can use the exec function to cause further issues. However, exec function itself is not dangerous.
OJS needs exec function for extracting text from PDFs for search indexing etc.
by dev
Search Package
sudo yum search wget
Run to install
sudo yum install wget
by dev
Journal specific section
{if $currentJournal->getPath()=='hpc'} //content here {/if}
List articles from different sections
{foreach name=sections from=$publishedArticles item=section name=sectionslist key="section_loop"} {if $section_loop== 8} {foreach from=$section.articles item="article" key="article_loop" } {if $article_loop < 1} {assign var=articlePath value=$article->getBestArticleId($currentJournal)} <a href="{url page="article" op="view" path=$articlePath}"> {$article->getLocalizedTitle()|strip_unsafe_html} </a> {$article->getAuthorString()} {else} {php}break;{/php} {/if} {/foreach} {/if} {/foreach}