- Roundcube 500 internal server error cwp
- Server error (Internal Server Error)
Check /var/vmail/* permission
drwx------ 4 vmail mail 34 ene 16 14:01 domain.tld
Or try update roundcube
sh /scripts/mail_roundcube_update
by dev
Check /var/vmail/* permission
drwx------ 4 vmail mail 34 ene 16 14:01 domain.tld
Or try update roundcube
sh /scripts/mail_roundcube_update
by dev
Open the file IssueHandler.inc.php at pages/issue/IssueHandler.inc.php and under the function “$showToc” (search and find) add the following code.
$pubIdPlugins = PluginRegistry::loadCategory('pubIds', true); $templateMgr->assign('pubIdPlugins', $pubIdPlugins);
Now add DOI code to the article_summary.tpl
{* DOI (requires plugin) *} {* CCDN *} {foreach from=$pubIdPlugins item=pubIdPlugin} {if $pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType() != 'doi'} {continue} {/if} {assign var=pubId value=$article->getStoredPubId($pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType())} {if $pubId} {assign var="doiUrl" value=$pubIdPlugin->getResolvingURL($currentJournal->getId(), $pubId)|escape} <div class="itemdoi"> <span class="doilabel"> <img src="https://demo.codexcafe.net/ojs3/plugins/themes/ajsrp/img/doi_logo.jpg" width="20"> {capture assign=translatedDOI}{translate key="plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName"}{/capture} {translate key="semicolon" label=$translatedDOI} </span> <span class="doivalue"> <a {if $journal}href="{url journal=$journal->getPath() page="article" op="view" path=$articlePath}"{else}href="{url page="article" op="view" path=$articlePath}"{/if}> {$pubId} </a> </span> </div> {/if} {/foreach}
That’s all!
by dev
How to change the SSH port
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 1234
sudo systemctl restart ssh.service
ssh USER@HOSTNAME -p1234
Use your USER and HOSTNAME and the password and confirm new port.
If the SSH test on the new port is successful you can close the connection. If it is not successful, this SSH connection should not be closed until the SSH test on the new port is successful. Else revert the port to previous state and restart.
find / -name “sshd_config” -print
find / -name “sshd_config” 2>/dev/null
vi /usr/share/openssh/sshd_config
vi /etc/nftables.conf
ufw allow 1234/tcp
vi /etc/services
systemctl restart ssh
service ssh restart
systemctl restart ssh.service
ssh root@server_ip -p NEW_PORT
ssh root@123.512.11.6 -p 1234
by dev
PlumX integrates with Open Journal Systems (OJS), a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research.
PlumX customers with OJS-based journals get the following benefits:
GitHub ulsdevteam / ojs-plum-plugin
This plugin provides display of PlumX Metrics from Plum Analytics on the article level for PKP Open Journal Systems.
Manual Integration without plugin
PlumX Widgets at https://plu.mx/developers/widgets/
by dev
Google Scholar crawls and indexes scholarly publications. You need not register your journal with Google Scholar. It will automatically crawl your website. It identifies scholarly content and determines each item’s bibliographic metadata.
If you notice that your journal is not appearing in Google Scholar, there may be some issues that need to be addressed.
Google Scholar relies on two key pieces of information in order to do its indexing:
Some common indexing problems
Fixation suggestion