Create a Microsoft developer account and join Microsoft 365 Developer Program.
1. Search “Microsoft Developer”
2. Go to “Microsoft 365 Dev Center”
3. Join “Join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program today!”
4. Sign up or if you have account “Sign in”
5. Now fill up the form for “Join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program today!”
6. What is your primary focus as a developer? (Choose only one)
– Custom solution for my own customers
7. What areas of Microsoft 365 development are you interested in? We will show you resources, tools, and training to help you get started.
– Microsoft Team
8. Set up your Microsoft 365 E5 sandbox
– Configurable sandbox
9. Set up your Microsoft 365 E5 configurable sandbox
– Set username, domain and password and then continue.
10. Provide you mobile number and verify it.
11. After that you will get “Your Microsoft 365 developer subscriptions” page. Click on “Go to subscription”
12. You will be prompted for login with the just created password.
13. After login, you will get page.
14. Now on this page, click on “Install apps” and then “Microsoft 365 apps”
15. A around 7MB file will be downloaded.
16. Install it .