Essential grid can be make mobile compatible under grid settings as follows
Grid Settings > Column > Mobile:
You may set this to one. Then Maximum Row might be 3.
Essential grid can be make mobile compatible under grid settings as follows
Grid Settings > Column > Mobile:
You may set this to one. Then Maximum Row might be 3.
“Source” tab in Ess. Grid settings has “Type and Category” section. In “Type and Category” there is an option to input additional parameters. Here we can control the view the grid for example post per page, total posts count, serial posts by ID etc.
* Track external/affiliate link clicks snippet
function candc_track_affiliate_clicks_script() {
( function( $ ) {
"use strict";
// current page host
var baseURI =;
// click event on body
$("p.cart").on("click", function(e) {
// abandon if link already aborted or analytics is not available
if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || typeof ga !== "function") return;
// abandon if no active link or link within domain
var link = $("a");
if (link.length != 1 || baseURI == link[0].host) return;
// cancel event and record outbound link
var href = link[0].href;
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'event',
'eventCategory': 'External Affiliate Link',
'eventAction': 'clicked',
'eventLabel': href,
'hitCallback': loadPage
// redirect after one second if recording takes too long
setTimeout(loadPage, 1000);
// redirect to outbound page
function loadPage() {
document.location = href;
// Close anon function.
}( jQuery ) );
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'candc_track_affiliate_clicks_script' );
Put this in functions.php
function widget($atts) {
global $wp_widget_factory;
'widget_name' => FALSE
), $atts));
$widget_name = wp_specialchars($widget_name);
if (!is_a($wp_widget_factory->widgets[$widget_name], 'WP_Widget')):
$wp_class = 'WP_Widget_'.ucwords(strtolower($class));
if (!is_a($wp_widget_factory->widgets[$wp_class], 'WP_Widget')):
return '<p>'.sprintf(__("%s: Widget class not found. Make sure this widget exists and the class name is correct"),'<strong>'.$class.'</strong>').'</p>';
$class = $wp_class;
the_widget($widget_name, $instance, array('widget_id'=>'arbitrary-instance-'.$id,
'before_widget' => '',
'after_widget' => '',
'before_title' => '',
'after_title' => ''
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
Use shortcode as
[widget widget_name="Your_Custom_Widget"]
Create a text file and open it
Paste the following script in the text file.
Option Explicit Dim objshell,path,DigitalID, Result Set objshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Set registry key path Path = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\" 'Registry key value DigitalID = objshell.RegRead(Path & "DigitalProductId") Dim ProductName,ProductID,ProductKey,ProductData 'Get ProductName, ProductID, ProductKey ProductName = "Product Name: " & objshell.RegRead(Path & "ProductName") ProductID = "Product ID: " & objshell.RegRead(Path & "ProductID") ProductKey = "Installed Key: " & ConvertToKey(DigitalID) ProductData = ProductName & vbNewLine & ProductID & vbNewLine & ProductKey 'Show messbox if save to a file If vbYes = MsgBox(ProductData & vblf & vblf & "Save to a file?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "BackUp Windows Key Information") then Save ProductData End If 'Convert binary to chars Function ConvertToKey(Key) Const KeyOffset = 52 Dim isWin8, Maps, i, j, Current, KeyOutput, Last, keypart1, insert 'Check if OS is Windows 8 isWin8 = (Key(66) \ 6) And 1 Key(66) = (Key(66) And &HF7) Or ((isWin8 And 2) * 4) i = 24 Maps = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789" Do Current= 0 j = 14 Do Current = Current* 256 Current = Key(j + KeyOffset) + Current Key(j + KeyOffset) = (Current \ 24) Current=Current Mod 24 j = j -1 Loop While j >= 0 i = i -1 KeyOutput = Mid(Maps,Current+ 1, 1) & KeyOutput Last = Current Loop While i >= 0 If (isWin8 = 1) Then keypart1 = Mid(KeyOutput, 2, Last) insert = "N" KeyOutput = Replace(KeyOutput, keypart1, keypart1 & insert, 2, 1, 0) If Last = 0 Then KeyOutput = insert & KeyOutput End If ConvertToKey = Mid(KeyOutput, 1, 5) & "-" & Mid(KeyOutput, 6, 5) & "-" & Mid(KeyOutput, 11, 5) & "-" & Mid(KeyOutput, 16, 5) & "-" & Mid(KeyOutput, 21, 5) End Function 'Save data to a file Function Save(Data) Dim fso, fName, txt,objshell,UserName Set objshell = CreateObject("") 'Get current user name UserName = objshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserName%") 'Create a text file on desktop fName = "C:\Users\" & UserName & "\Desktop\WindowsKeyInfo.txt" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set txt = fso.CreateTextFile(fName) txt.Writeline Data txt.Close End Function
Save the file as product-key.vbs
Close it and open the file to check product key.