A record
Maps a name to IP addresses.
CNAME record
Maps a name to another name. It should only be used when there are no other records on that name.
ALIAS record
Maps a name to another name, but can coexist with other records on that name.
URL record
Redirects the name to the target name using the HTTP 301 status code.
- The A, CNAME, and ALIAS records cause a name to resolve to an IP. Conversely, the URL record redirects the name to a destination. The URL record is a simple and effective way to apply a redirect for one name to another name, for example redirecting www.example.com to example.com.
- The A name must resolve to an IP. The CNAME and ALIAS records must point to a name.
- Never use a CNAME record for your root domain name (e.g. example.com).
MX Record
Mail Exchanger (MX), similar to A name records but entirely devoted to sending and receiving e-mail.
CERT records store site certificates as part of the DNS information.
NAPTR Records
A rare record type that’s used to map telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for VoIP and SIP servers.
PTR Record
PTR directs IP traffic to domains.
TXT Record
TXT is used commonly to verifying domain ownership. It holds data sender policy framework (SPF) .
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